Wall of Gratitude

Kickstarter 2018
The creators of Quantum Quest would like to thank these intrepid adventures for paving the way for the dungeon during the Kickstarter of 2018:

Ben A.
Nick Parr
Colleen Palladino
Cale And Jenni Numinen
Pete Gerasia
Davis Kiel
Kevin M. Gallagher, Jr
Joe Schelin
Frederick & Alicia Banford
Don Lindsay
Corey Allan Hawkins
Joe Ingersoll
Brittany Hummell
Tim Berens
Bob Tresca
Jordan Butler
Chris McGinley
Matt Boudreau

John “Drevin” Strong
Andrew Reinert
P. A. Danner
Anthony Barber
Bruno Mannello
Billy Greene
Chris Huddleston
Justin Nelson
Scott J. Dahlgren
Lightning Larry Grant
David Treleaven
Tucker Salem
Gwynneth Davidoff
Daniel Sherwood
Mike Lamson
Kevin Hobart
Chris Weed
Kowala Family
Raven Stormbringer

John Delatorre
Nelson Peavy
Ethan Hiebert
Christopher Wayne
Michael Körbis
Jeancarlos Perez Lopez
Kristin Morin
Roman Grädel
Edwin Tjhin
Brian Childress
Jeremy Smith
Brian Young
Stephen A. Blair
Peyton Key
Casey Grebe
Gordon McCulloch Clarke
R. Smith
Jacob Sisk
Eugene “Skip” Mathias III
Caitlin Crowley
Erika Castro
Dian W

And to those anonymous heroes who are still lost in the dungeon.

Special thanks to our super backers:

Jim Elicker
Addam Carothers
Trevor A. Ramirez

And Eric Barnum, one of our longtime allies and writer of the Forsaken Isles series. Mr. Barnum’s character Dar Tania is being used, with his permission, as one of the adventurers for Quantum Quest.

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